If you think you are too busy to cook and prepare vegetables for yourself each day, I have the perfect solution for you. Embrace your cookie sheet. My cookie sheet allows me to prepare larger quantities of vegetables at one time. Instead of cooking for just one meal, I roast enough veggies for two or three meals. Unlike boiled or steamed vegetables, which may feel soggy and limp on day two or three, roasted vegetables maintain a delicious flavor and can be chopped into omelettes, pureed into soups or layered onto a sandwich with a balsamic glaze. Let me show you a basic technique.
I happen to be working with yams in this tutorial, but I highly recommend using this method for all sorts of vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and different types of squash are all good choices.
Step 1
Pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees. If you are working with yams, buy organic so you can just scrub the skin and keep it on. Cut the yam in half lengthwise.
Step 2
Place each half, face down onto your cutting board. Slice each half into thirds, lengthwise.
Step 3
Now that each yam is cut in half and then into long strips, cut these strips into smaller bite-sized pieces (about ¼ inch or ½ inch thick).
Step 4
Toss the bite-sized yam pieces into a bowl with olive oil. My rule of thumb is to use about 1 tablespoon of oil for each yam in my recipe. The yams should not be dripping with oil but have a slight sheen. Season with salt and pepper.
Step 5
Spread the oil-coated vegetables in a single layer onto a cookie sheet. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
Use this method to prepare all of your vegetables when you are short on time! Enjoy your roasted yams/vegetables as a side dish or as an ingredient in a completely new dish!
I stumbled across this website in an effort to teach myself how to do a handstand and ended up with way more information.
Thanks to this post, roasting veggies is a piece of cake and they always come out perfect!
Thank you for all that you both do! Currently teaching myself how to Crow and hold my headstand for 10 deep breaths
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