As you know, we love getting our kids involved in our yoga practices, and our kids are always eager to participate. But, what they like even better is their own gear. So, you can imagine how excited they were to receive the Gaiam Kids Classic Balance Ball Chair!
This chair was created to help kids maintain healthy posture, but it also happens to help strengthen the core. Additionally, studies show that because children have to constantly move their bodies to maintain their balance, they are able to focus more easily. The chair is chocked full of benefits, but most importantly it is fun.
We found our kids were eager to try out the chairs, and they happened to work perfectly for homework time. They also happened to be the seat of choice while watching television. They even made their way outside!
Who wouldn’t want to sit in one of these chairs?
The chairs are recommended for ages 5-7 or children 42″-51″ tall. They have a weight limit of 175 lbs.
For more information or to purchase your very own Gaiam Classic Balance Ball Chair click here.
This is a sponsored post, and Two Fit Moms is a brand ambassador for Gaiam.