If you have an Instagram account, you’ve probably seen plenty of “snowga” photos posted by yogis living in cold weather climates. What is “snowga”, you may ask? Well, it’s simply the act of getting into a yoga pose in the snow. It is NOT, by any means, a full practice in the snow. It’s usually just a beautiful moment captured in time, and it consists of running out into the snow for about a minute for the purpose of taking a photo, and then racing back into the house to warm up.
I’m sure you can easily rattle off many reasons why you shouldn’t and don’t want to do such a thing. My mind fills with these thoughts, too: It’s too cold; I might get sick; I might slip; My neighbors will think I’m crazy; “Real” yogis will claim that I am not a “real” yogi if I do this; My toes will freeze; My fingers will freeze; My mat will get all wet, etc.
Yesterday, I put all of these doubts aside and decided to take a snowga photo. I couldn’t withstand the cold for more than the time it took to take the one picture shown above, but now that I am looking at it, I am happy. It was worth it. Here are a few bullet points to inspire you to rile up your own spirit to be spontaneous and have your own fun snowga experience…And here is a gorgeous photo of Laura doing her own snowga at home.
1. You are stronger than you think. You CAN withstand 30-seconds of freezing temperatures.
2. You will seize the day.
3. You will feel a strange sense of accomplishment once it’s all over.
4. You will create your own absurd memories in the snow and laugh about it later.
5. You will have a recorded image of that absurd memory.
6. You will do something recreational in the snow for the first time in a very long time.
7. You will feel like you are a figurine in a magical snow globe.
8. You will feel exhilarated.
9. You can wear the brightest clothes you own and look stunning (rather than tacky) against a white backdrop.
10. You will be left with a photo of yourself that you will NOT pick apart. You will actually see the beauty within yourself, and smile—a priceless gift that makes the discomfort and cold all worthwhile.
i’ve been thinking about this for awhile, and i’ve decided to coin my own phrase.
since you lovelies get to do snowga… i think us hawaii girls will do Kaiga.
kai (hawaiian for ocean water) since we enjoy doing yoga by the ocean. =) beachga just doesnt sound right. lol
i love all of your snowga photos!
may i ask, what do you use to snap your photos, do you do a tripod with timer or remote? or do you have someone else snap the photo for you? or do you just do video and freeze frame afterwards.
and do you ever have to edit and add snowflakes? i heard another yogi say sometimes they add snowflakes with an app because you cant see them in the pic. i love it anyhow!
Kaiga! I love it. We both have self-timers on our Nikons, so that’s how we shoot. And no, we don’t add snowflakes with any apps. It’s really snowing all over us!
Can totally relate with this! I just recently moved here in Illinois from Hawaii so its my first time to so a snowga pic.. Thanks to my husband who supports my craziness most of the time.. You both inspire me to continue to learn and love the beuty of Yoga :0) ..
It’s supposed to snow some today & even though I really don’t like the cold one bit I’m hoping it does so I can go out and do my lizard pose. Maybe I will feel like I’m in a magical snow globe!!
You ladies pushed me to snowga today for the first time!!! And every benefit u describe above is so true!
Good for you! Glad you got into the snow for a little yoga.
I would love to try snowga. I may when it is warmer out, I live in Alaska and it is now back in the negatives this week. I saw you featured on YogaJournal.com and thought I would check out your site.
Thanks for checking us out! I hope you stick around!