Today was a crappy day. It was a bad work day. It was one of those days where you just want to throw in the towel. It made me realize that being happy is important and that the path to happiness lies within me. Today, I made the decision to make a change. Today, I’ve committed within myself to make yoga my full time job. Maybe this isn’t happening today, or tomorrow, or even a month from now, but I know it’s coming, and the right time for that change will be here soon.
I’m excited . . . I’m scared! Why did it take me so long to make this decision? Fear is really what has been holding me back. The fear of instability, the fear of failure – all very real concerns for anyone but especially for a mother and wife who has responsibilities beyond taking care of herself. That being said, the straw broke the camel’s back today, and it made me realize that I’m ready. I CAN do it.
I have to tell you though, I never would have guessed that yoga would make such a comeback in my life and that Instagram would transform the experience and help lead me to where I am today.
In March 2012, at the request of my niece, I joined Instagram. I had no idea what Instagram or Twitter was, or any of the other social media apps for that matter. What the hell was a hashtag? Why would someone follow me? It all sounded a bit creepy. My account remained dormant for a good four months. I honestly just didn’t know what to take pictures of, what to post or what to say.
Then one day, I had an epiphany… Why not take pictures of some of the yoga poses I’ve been working on? That’s when this journey for me all started.
I began practicing yoga 17 years ago, when I was 19, so that makes me… 29 today? LOL. Okay, okay… I am 36 now. I started doing yoga from a Baron Baptiste VHS tape of my sister’s. It was very basic, but it’s what I used to learn a Sun Salutation, Warrior I and Navasana. Up until that point, I had no experience with yoga. I practiced from this tape until I knew it inside out, and then I purchased a few more of his tapes. Eventually, I started taking classes at the local gym. This is where my knowledge of yoga started to grow and manifest. It was also the place where I did my first Bakasana (Crow Pose), and where I attempted my first headstand as an adult. I was hooked.
In 2005, I had my son and in 2009, I had my daughter. During these four years, yoga took a backseat to my other cardio/weight workouts. Although my pregnancies were quite uneventful and “easy,” I did not enjoy being pregnant. To be honest, gaining weight was the hardest for me. I was winded walking up a flight of stairs, I felt like a stuffed sausage in everything I wore, and, generally, I felt downright unattractive. Of course, I’d do it all again for my two lovebugs… but it was HARD.
I worked out like a crazed lunatic for most of my pregnancies so I could stay as fit as possible and lose the baby weight as soon as possible. Back then my mindset was still…cardio and weights… burn those calories… a workout isn’t great unless you SWEAT LIKE A PIG! Boy oh boy… I wish I had known then, what I know now.
After my mini was born in 2009, I went into a fitness craze and ordered every home workout system known to man… Insanity, P90X, Insanity Asylum, TurboJam, TurboFire and P90X2. I spent a good two years focusing on these workouts. Yoga for the most part, took a further backseat. I was only doing it once a week in the form of the yoga from P90X.
It wasn’t until early 2012 that I discovered online sites that streamed yoga classes. This, coupled with my start on Instagram, put yoga back into my fitness plan. Previously, I was drawn to yoga for its physical aspects, but more advanced classes opened up a whole new world for me. I instantly became addicted to learning more.
By October 2012, I made the decision to stop doing my other workouts in favor of yoga, which I practiced every day for a month. A month turned into two months… which then turned into a year, and the rest is history. I’ve never once regretted that decision. My asana practice has grown more in these past 16 months than it did in those first 17 years.
At some point, my Instagram started to inspire people. It inspired my partner-in-crime, Masumi, to start her yoga journey. My world was starting to shift.
“Are you a yoga teacher? Can you teach me?” Those questions started popping up like crazy. It was time to get certified and take that first leap of faith.
Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) was scary as shit for me. I had severe TMJ growing up which resulted in my slight lisp – something that I am extremely self-conscious of. It took every ounce of courage to go through with YTT. I sucked so badly in the beginning that I almost gave up in finishing. Thank goodness for Masumi and my teachers, Victoria and Anayra. They believed in me, and I will always be grateful for their support.
In August of 2013, I officially became a yoga teacher!
So, to bring it back full circle, the reason I wrote this post was because today sucked. It sucked enough to make me make a change. It made me realize that I need to have faith in myself, faith in my abilities, faith that I am meant to do something more than my “day job.” It also made me realize that I have the whole-hearted support of my family, which is most important to me.
“Courage is never to let your actions be influenced by your fears.” – Arthur Koestler
Change is not easy. It won’t happen overnight, but I’m on a clear path. Thanks for joining me on this path. I can’t wait to see where it takes me.
Thank you for sharing that Laura. It’s really nice to hear your journey as a beginner. I am sorry your day sucked but I am glad you could draw inspiration out of it and it sounds to me like exciting g things are going to be happening in your future so yay to that!x
Thank you for sharing that Laura. It’s really nice to hear your journey, as a beginner. I am sorry your day sucked but I am glad you could draw inspiration out of it and it sounds to me like exciting g things are going to be happening in your future so yay to that!x
Thank you for sharing this. It’s very inspiring, especially as I’m currently at a similar crossroads myself. (Do I stick with the dayjob or do I go after what I really, really want and have faith that it will all work out?)
Thanks for inspiring me, hopefully one day I could take one of your lessons. Love.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Laura. You are so inspiring. I was also inspired to practice yoga daily from Instagram and following amazing yogis like you. I saw you do all these crazy inversions and would just admire them, never thinking that I could do any of them. I would see you host challenges and thought, “I don’t want to join them, it would be too embarrassing and disappointing.” But I conquered my fear and I thought, “Why not? Just put it out there for the world, show your insecurities, maybe people will be inspired that they can do better than you, or maybe people will embrace me and give me tips on how to get better.” And that’s what happened.. people embraced my flaws, my bloopers, my successes, and my practice is growing daily. Thank you, thank you for sharing your practice with us. You are amazing
Thank you so much for sharing. I love the dedication and strength that you have. I also love the humor you sprinkle in so that things don’t get so serious.
Keep it up!
Loved this post, thank you for sharing! I’ve been following your journey for about a year, and I am so grateful that you choose to share it with us
You’re awesome. And you inspire people (strangers!) daily, myself included, to be and do better. I imagine your journey will be an exciting one, can’t wait to witness it all unfold. Best of luck!
So awesome! It’s such an inspiration to see your progress and know that it’s possible even for us 30 something’s
Question- do u think that yoga alone daily can help lose weight n tone, or do u need to do some cardio as well (at first at least) if you’re trying to shed some weight?
Thanks so much for sharing your story with us! Xoxo
Laura, you wouldn’t believe how apt the date and content of this post was … I had exactly the same experience yesterday! (Which my poor boyfriend can vouch for) I’m sorry you had a crappy day, but so happy you’ve found your path. I’m constantly surprised, as an Instagram follower of yours, that you haven’t been teaching for years already – you’re fantastic! So inspriational; such a postive and welcoming attitude.
I found yoga via post-viral M.E which forced me to stop running 30 miles a week/boxing/pole dancing/swimming, to try yoga. My first taste was 18 months ago and my YTT starts in 2 weeks
I love this blog and your Instagram posts – please keep them coming!
Hi Laura, I started following you recently on IG and was awed and inspired to practice yoga. I’m from Brunei and overweight and was trying to find myself in terms of exercise and weight loss etc. Yes, I had gone through exercises and PX90 and it did not work well for me. I remembered doing yoga before and thought it was fun to do and it gave me a good feel factor afterwards. Then one day I stumbled across your IG post and thought “I WANT TO DO THIS!!!” I don’t care how long it will take me but I want to aspire to become as great as you one day! Thank you for sharing your IG posts as without you knowing, you have inspired people like me to get up and yoga! Much peace and love to you and 100% believe in your dream and just go for it! Can’t wait for you to release your own DVDs so I can buy and practice along with you =) again Thank you so much!
It’s so inspiring to hear your story. I’m really new to yoga, but I’m having so much fun with it on so many levels. I found you through instagram, and your photos are not only beautiful, but really help me to believe that I can do it too – Plus I love that you have little ones, and still can do all that you do. I have 2 little girls, and each day I’m making changes and doing different things that feel supportive of me……..and though you’re far away and we don’t know each other, you’re helping me on my path. Thank you.
A wonderful testimony. It’s comforting to read that someone else, you, have the same feelings about life as I do:wanting more, a true calling, and some fear in the uncertainty. Life is short.
I am so inspired after reading this. I’ve been in a slump all winter, but suddenly I have a rush of ideas. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Thank you again.
I love your story because it’s so similar to mine. The lag of practice due to mommydom, turning to other ways to lose weight, and finally realizing that yoga made me complete.
I was just wondering, what websites did you go to that stream yoga classes. Are they live? or taped? I would love an online LIVE class if you know of any!
Laura and Masumi…you two are simply amazing! From one yogi mom to another, or rather to two others you both are truly inspirational! So happy to see that you both are pursuing your dreams. The website looks awesome, I wish you both the best of luck!! :DD
Hi Laura!
Secondly, I have a question! I saw you posted about coming to Sedona for a class, but I don’t know where to get details? I live in AZ, about 3 hours from there, but I’m planning on coming! And thirdly, how in the HECK is it possible to flip your grip in Tiger pose?! I know you are superhuman, but I really can’t even make sense of that one. Any tips on working on that shoulder rotation? It feels like it would rip it right out of the socket 
Firstly, I’m so happy you have a blog now…I’ve been following you on IG but never dared to comment among the 5 million other followers
Laura, thank you for sharing. You have been an inspiration and the very first yoga gal I started following on Instagram. #GratefulYogi was the first challenge that I participated in and also started me on my journey of doing yoga just about every day. In these past three months I’ve seen so much improvement! Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us! Namaste.
Hi Laura, like everyone above, I too am truly inspired by you and this post. You have inspired me to try yoga and although I am an absolute newbie, thru your post and pics, I believe in myself to do it! THANK YOU for being you and for sharing your story with us. Keep up the amazing work! you are AWESOME! xoxo
So awesome. Resolved that I would take the same leap as part of my 5 year goals with my 1 year goal to sign up to get my 500 hour TT. So liberating and scary and amazing at the same time to resolve in your heart to do what the universe has set out for you. I’m so excited for you and looking forward to experience your growth. Come back to Chicago soon!
Congrats, Laura!! You have much to be proud of. I’m on a similar path for change, giving up the financial stability of corporate life for a more fulfilling one can be scary shit!! At least it is for me. Thank you for sharing; I’ll be cheering for you! xo
This is lovely. I started doing yoga on IG last year. I have learned so much and you inspire me daily. I love reading this and more about you. I have done several of your challenges and I have enjoyed each and every one. Congrats on your new journey and good for you for taking a risk.
So happy I started following you over a year ago! You have grown so much xoxo!
I am also inspired by you daily! Thank you for sharing your story and practice. Quit the day job! You can do it! Lol, cheers from ohio <3
This was the best post ever. Nothing more beautiful than people being brave and opening up about themselves. Your story is so beautiful, thank you for sharing. I am so excited I will be taking your inversions workshop in Orlando soon, looking forward to meeting you Laura. You are so inspirational, as a teacher and as a human. Thank you.