Our journey into backbending continues with Urdhva Dhanurasana or Wheel Pose. As we discussed in the Bridge Pose tutorial, backbends can be energizing…flooding your body with oxygen while stretching out the entire front body, shoulders and chest. Be mindful when practicing and continue to take each posture slowly.
Step 1: Lie down on your mat. Extend your legs out and take a couple of deep breaths. Bend your knees and bring your feet down onto your mat. Your feet should be parallel to one another and hip-width distance apart. Try to get your heels as close to your buttasana as possible. Bend your elbows and place your hands down alongside your ears. Fingers will point TOWARD your body. Squeeze the elbows in.
Step 2: Take a deep inhalation. On the exhale, push into your feet and lift your hips up. Feet remain parallel and knees squeeze in. Try to keep your buttasana relaxed by drawing the tailbone slightly up. Take a breath. On another exhale, push into your hands this time and come up onto the crown of your head. Elbows squeeze in as your shoulder blades hug your back. I like to walk my hands closer to my body at this point. This is just an option though! Take a breath or two here.
Step 3: On an exhalation, push firmly into your mat with your feet and hands and try to straighten the arms. Remember to keep the feet parallel. There will be a slight internal rotation of the thighs…this is what will prevent your feet and knees from spinning outward. Draw your tailbone down and relax your buttasana. Keep your shoulders engaged and hugging your back. Let your head fall neutral. Stay here and take 3-5 breaths.
When you are ready to come down, bring your chin to your chest and slowly bend your elbows bringing the back of your head and your body gently onto your mat. Hug your knees into your chest and relax.
Thank you for the easy tutorials.. I am starting yoga an it has been very helpful..
Pls keep me updated. Im more of a weight trainer and want consider yoga for flexinility for relacation
Hi and thank you for all your posts. Super informative and beautiful. Question: do you put weight on your head when the crown is on floor? Thank you again!
Thanks for all the post and everything . I love the instgram photos ♡ I’m a teenager and I thought yoga was hard and boring , but after finding you guys it’s been the best ♡♡ thanks again