We all have days, weeks or even longer stretches of time when the stress of life is overwhelming and suffocating. The shoulders and neck muscles tighten, the jaw clenches, and the back may even round with grief. Stress causes a wound-up emotional state, and our insides feel twisted and tight. In these difficult periods, be kind to yourself, and try to find even a few minutes to unwind and decompress. Counteract the tightening, gripping power of stress with a few expansive, heart-opening, shoulder-stretching poses. Trust me, you will feel much better.
Here are four of my favorite stretches for stress relief. Breathe and sink into each of these postures for a minimum of five breaths, and be sure to practice the relevant poses on both sides of the body.
Puppy Pose
Start out on hands and knees (tabletop position). Make sure your shoulders are stacked directly over your wrists, and your hips are stacked over your knees. Keep your hips stacked over your knees, and begin to walk your hands forward, sinking your chest toward the floor. Depending on your flexibility, you may rest your forehead, chin or chest on the mat.
Twisted Monkey Pose
From downward facing dog, step your right foot forward between your hands. Lower your back knee, and untuck the toes on your back foot. Lift your back foot from the mat. Sweep your right arm back (palm facing up), and grab the pinky-side edge of your left foot. Begin to kick your back foot into your hand. Puff your chest, and roll your shoulders down. Roll onto the outer edge of your right foot, and allow your right knee to fall away from the body. Enjoy this full-body stretch for 30-60 seconds before repeating on the opposite side.
Prasarita Padottanasana
Step your feet about a leg’s distance apart, and position your feet so that they are parallel to one another. Interlace all ten fingers behind your back, and squeeze your palms together. Roll your shoulders down and away from your ears, and engage your thighs by pulling your quadriceps up and into the body. Inhale deeply, and exhale as you hinge forward from the waist, allowing your clasped hands to fall forward. If possible, allow the crown of your head to rest on the mat.
Supine Pigeon Pose
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mat. Cross your right ankle over your left thigh, so that you create a triangle of space between your two legs. Bring your legs toward your chest, and then hook your arms through the triangle of space and cradle your right shin. Pull your shin toward your body as you extend your left leg to hover a few inches above the ground. Hold this hip-opening stretch for 30-60 seconds, and repeat on the other side.
Will these four stretches solve your problems and remove the stress from your life? Of course not. Stress is often caused by circumstances that are beyond our control. The goal here is to focus on what we CAN control—our breath, our body, and our response to difficult situations. Good luck in all that you are facing. You are stronger and more resilient than you think!
Thank you for these poses Masumi! I am fairly new to yoga, but have been practicing daily! I am a grad student, so stress is a daily battle. These poses will be perfect to add to my routine!
I hope these stretches help you feel better. It doesn’t take much. Try to find a few minutes each day—take breaks from studying, and roll out your mat!
I started practicing yoga about 1.5 years ago to help relieve the stress and tension from a bad break up. When I started I found both you and Laura on Instagram and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being my inspiration and mentors through your poses.
Thank you so much—I’m glad that our website and personal practices serve as inspiration. I hope you are enjoying your yoga journey!
Thank you, thank you! This article and poses were a blessing to find today. I have recently moved to NY – new house, new job, new life – change can be so stressful and overwhelming! My neck and shoulders ache constantly. Much love to you for your help!
Moving is a huge stress—definitely find a little time to do these stretches each day, and you will feel much better!