Welcome to the #YogawithTFM 10-day challenge! This challenge is hosted by @twofitmoms @laurasykora @masumi_g and is sponsored by @gaiam.
Please visit our website daily for a tutorial on the pose of the day.
Day one’s pose is Uttanasana, or Forward Fold. Before taking your photo for the challenge, warm up with five rounds of Surya Namaskar A and don’t forget to stretch your hamstrings with either a strap, or try our four must-do hamstring stretches.
Here is a video with some variations. And, please check out our three tips, below, to help you get started!
– Use a block to rest your hands on if you are just beginning your journey!
– Try to keep length in your torso as you fold.
– Shift your weight slightly towards your toes to bring your hips in line with your heels.
Let us know if you have any questions! We can’t wait to see your photos!
Wow, you’re so perfect in your poses!
Thanks, I’ll try and follow the challenge.