Welcome to Day 10 of the #YogawithTFM 10-Day Challenge! You made it! Today’s pose is Adho Mukha Vrksasana or Handstand!
Check out this article for a full tutorial on Handstand.
If you are new to Inversions and are looking for more help, download our Inversions Tutorial on iTunes.
You can also view the video below for a live tutorial and variations.
Don’t forget to keep these three things in mind when getting into the pose:
– Use your fingers to help you find balance! Think CREEPY FINGERS as you grip your mat.
– Corset your low ribs together to help eliminate dumping into the lower back. It’s the same feeling you get when you catch a football!
– It’s all about the stack! Shoulders over the heels of the hands, hips over the shoulders, feet over the hips.