November 2, 2014 | by Kate Alexander
Day 3: Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Welcome to Day 3 of the November #YogaWithTFM 10-Day Challenge! Today’s pose is Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana.
See the video below for a tutorial on how to get into Bridge Pose, and keep in mind these three tips:
1. Keep your feet and thighs parallel while actively pressing into the inside edges of your feet.
2. Press into your arms coming onto the tops of your shoulders.
3. Keep your neck long, bringing your chest up towards your chin.
Please remember to warm up before participating in any challenge. If you would like to practice with us, download our 24-minute Backbends Practice class here.
Great tips, I look forward to putting them into action in tomorrows practice.