January 20, 2015 | by Kate Alexander
10 Wellness Tips for the New Year
The New Year seems to imply that we need to make a change, but we like to think of it as an opportunity to refocus on ourselves and concentrate on adopting some healthy habits.
We are firm believers that small steps and changes can make a very big difference. Starting small will help ease you into a new routine and work towards adopting a revitalized mindset. Once you start making some incremental changes, you will see, and feel, a difference.
So, in an attempt to inspire some healthy habits, we have jotted down ten that we think are worth considering. They are not only focused on yoga, fitness and nutrition — but overall wellness. We hope they become a part of your routine!
Here’s our list of top ten wellness tips for 2015:
- Wake up early — start your day early enough that you can accomplish a few things before the day actually gets started. Generally mornings are rushed, making lunches, racing to get dressed and out of the house and off to work and school. Get up early, even if it’s only 15 minutes earlier than usual. Take a moment, have a cup of tea and ease into your day. These few moment of peace are all yours.
- Set a daily intention — since you will be up early, take the time to set an intention for your day. Find a quiet place to sit and think — think about what you will conquer during the day and how you will achieve your goals.
- Find time for exercise (morning, noon, or night – whenever it’s best for you). If carving out some time early in the morning or late at night doesn’t work for you, do something active during your lunch break, or while at your desk. Even taking a walk and stretching your legs counts!
- Take care of your skin — suncreen, skincare, etc. Wash your face. Moisturize it and protect it with SPF. We are not beauty consultants, but we all need to take care and protect our skin.
- Do something for you. Pencil some “me time” into your calendar. That may mean finding time for a pedicure, or having tea with a friend. Do something for you — maybe not every day — but as often as possible.
- Cook more, take-out less. Eating healthy is so important, and we really do believe that cooking your own meals inspires healthy eating — a healthier lifestyle. Of course, you can find healthy food options at restaurants and in cafeterias, but your own kitchen is the best place to start. Take a few extra minutes to make something homemade versus buying a pre-made, likely preservative-laden, option. That doesn’t mean you can’t take short cuts — like buying pre-cut and washed veggies — but, focus on preparing your food versus choosing something from a freezer case.
- Read — a newspaper, a magazine or a book. It doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or non-fiction. Reading sparks creativity, and it’s just different from being fed information from the television. You are an active participant in receiving knowledge!
- Go outside, and do something active. Even in the dead of winter, a quick walk around the block can invigorate you. Take a moment and go outside — breathe in some fresh air. Even better, participate in an outdoor activity. Riding a bike, an outdoor yoga class, a run — whatever suits your fancy! Just get outside!
- Put your phone down, or your laptop — whatever device you are attached to these days. Isn’t it the worst when you are trying to have a conversation with someone and they are glued to their phone? We are all guilty, so, put your phone down. Focus on what’s happening right in front of you — whether it’s a conversation with a loved one or a work colleague. Or, perhaps, just put your phone down in order to focus on yourself.
- Make a daily to-do list. We love our lists. We like to make ours at night in order set ourselves up for the next day. Making a list will help you organize all of the moving parts of your life. And, there’s nothing like crossing something off your list to make you feel accomplished!