We all know how difficult it is to break a bad habit. Fortunately, breaking a good habit is just as difficult. Once a habit is engrained, it becomes part of daily life. Just think about your daily routine. You probably step out of bed and walk directly to the bathroom where you brush your teeth, even if you don’t feel like it. This habit of brushing your teeth doesn’t require much thought or stress. It’s automated. By automating a task, it becomes non-negotiable, and it gets done.
In my own life, I have automated a series of healthy tasks so that they feel like a natural part of my life. Every morning, I make my way through my morning routine without feelings of stress or dread.
If you are looking to adopt a healthy set of habits to create a new morning routine, you must find a way to automate these tasks so that they get done each day without a second thought. When I say “automate”, I don’t mean that you become a robot and mentally check out. I mean you get up and do these things without a mental debate of “should I” or “shouldn’t I”. You just do it.
A few days ago, I wrote an article discussing how much I love my morning routine. The routine doesn’t magically happen without planning and effort though. It takes a bit of preparation. I’ve found that the easiest way to get a routine to the point of automation is to prepare as much as possible in advance. Prepping doesn’t guarantee success, but it certainly increases the odds.
In order to help you, I’ve compiled a list of suggestions to help you prepare for your morning as much as possible. These are all tips that I’ve used in my own life. By taking some of these steps to start your morning routine the night before, you are much more likely to complete the routine when you get up. Feel free to incorporate as many of these suggestions as you’d like into your own life. You can do it!
1. For a portable, nutritious breakfast, pre-load your blender with fruits and vegetables before bed each night so that in the morning, you just have to add your liquid and blend a smoothie.
2. Use a multi-compartment pill case to set aside all of your vitamins and supplements for each day of the week. Allocate a little time, and sort your pills for the week. You’d be surprised how much time you can spend unscrewing childproof caps and getting your supplements ready every single morning.
3. Set out all of your exercise clothing the night before, including your socks and sneakers.
4. If you work out at home or practice yoga at home, set up all of your equipment before going to bed. Roll out your yoga mat, place your blocks at the top of the mat, make sure your strap is within reach, and a towel, too.
5. If you work out at a gym (or a studio), pack your bag and set it by the door. I remember the days of hitting the gym at 5:30 am. My brain was barely awake at that hour. If you are planning to shower at the gym and go directly to the office afterwards, I highly suggest that you wear your work clothes (NOT your exercise clothes) to the gym in the morning. Pack your exercise clothing in your gym bag. I used to think that I was saving myself lots of time by wearing my workout gear to the gym, but on many occasions, I found myself standing in the locker room after my workout without a vital piece of clothing. Once, I packed a full suit with stockings and heels, but I forgot to pack a shirt. Total disaster. At the end of the day, you’ve got to do what works best for YOU—even if it takes a bit longer.
6. Try a recipe for one of our make-ahead breakfasts! Oatmeal cake is one of my favorites. I don’t even bother re-heating it because I love eating it right out of the refrigerator.
7. Wash and chop frequently used fruits and vegetables, and store them in a container with a paper towel to absorb moisture in your fridge. Prepping any meal becomes much easier when the ingredients are ready to use.
8. Plan your drinks in advance. Do you want to start the day with a glass of water with lemon? If so, wash and slice your lemon and keep the wedges in a glass container in the fridge. Do you plan on taking your drink with you as you commute? If that’s the plan, make sure that your re-usable water bottle is clean and waiting for you on your kitchen counter.
9. If you have kids that need to get out the door for school, set the breakfast table the night before. Silverware, plates, napkins, placemats, cups, etc. Cutting out the small tasks in the morning leaves time for other things.
10. If your children need packed snacks and lunch boxes for school, do as much of the packing as possible the night before. Make sure napkins, water bottles, plastic spoons/forks and sandwich containers are washed and ready to go. Pack everything non-perishable in advance (i.e., apple sauce, crackers, drinks). In the morning, you only need to add your refrigerated items, and you will feel less rushed.
Thank you
I’m excited to try this and make it work for me as well .
Have a great life
You can do it!
Tip number 5 is so so true
I love your instagram account and never thought about looking up the blog till now – and so happy i did that today! Your posts are very inspirational. My mum recently faced a health issue – she belonged to the generation when junk food just came up and every one appreciated how easy it was and noone was thinking about the negatives. I am determined to change that for myself and pay attention to everything i eat and use. So I love your posts 
Good for you! I’m happy that you’re making the effort to change the cycle and live a healthy life. Thanks for reading and commenting.