“Start training like an athlete. Start eating like an athlete. Start sleeping like an athlete.”
One of my favorite fitness trainers gives this simple, yet very inspiring advice on an exercise DVD that I own. I can hear these words in my head, long after I’ve finished my workout.
At the heart of this message is the idea that if you play the part, you will ultimately become the part. Maybe you’re not an athlete today, but by adopting the lifestyle of an athlete, you slowly but surely become one.
Positive affirmations work in the same way. By repeating a motivational phrase and speaking positively, you can transform your habits and attitude over time.
Just as the fitness trainer encourages her viewers to start living the life of an athlete, a positive affirmations practice can help you speak your dreams into existence. You can create the reality that you desire. By repeating positive affirmations each day, you effectively drown out the internal voices that say you’re too sick, too old, too injured, too heavy, too fill-in-the-blank. Your words have incredible power, so use that power wisely.
Affirmations and Yoga
If you would like to incorporate positive affirmations into your yoga practice, I recommend stating an affirmation (out loud or in your mind) every time you do a repetitive action.
For example, you can state an affirmation every time you complete a round of sun salutations. Or you can state an affirmation every time you find yourself in downward facing dog or in mountain pose. Repetition is key. In order for the affirmation to be engrained into the subconscious mind, you must hear it often to truly internalize it.
Here are two basic guidelines to follow when creating your own affirmations: First, keep your affirmation brief so that it’s easy to say and repeat. Here are a few that come to mind: I am strong. I am healthy. I am loved. I am successful. I am enough.
Second, state your affirmation as if it is already true. Speak in the present tense rather than in the future tense. Rather than saying, “I will lose weight and get healthy,” say “I radiate health and wellness.” And rather than saying “I will find a better job and make more money,” say “I attract wealth and opportunity.”
Feel free to create your own affirmations that speak to your spirit, and let us know how you do when you incorporate these positive statements into a yoga practice. You WILL get over the discomfort of speaking positively about yourself. I know it’s uncomfortable at first, but watch your life transform as you make the mind-body connection.
What exercise DVD are you referring to? I would love to get it, the positive affirmations about training like an athlete and eating like an athlete really inspired me!!! Thank you!!!