Today we are launching our Pose of the Week series, which is designed to help you focus on making small steps towards your yoga and wellness journey. Rather than tackling a full sequence or an hour-long class, just make a commitment to yourself to practice this single pose every day this week. You can make a difference in your health and wellness, one step at a time.
We are starting with Upavistha Konasana or Wide-Legged Seated Forward Fold.
Take a comfortable seat on your mat and spread your legs evenly apart. Root down through your sits bones, lengthen up through your spine and flex your feet. Find a little bit of external rotation in your thighs so that your knee caps and your toes point up towards the sky. Press down through the tops of your thighs and shin bones.
Take a deep breath in.
On the exhale, slowly start to walk the fingers forward and fold. Fold as deeply as you can without rounding through your spine. You should feel sensation and stretch through the backs of both legs, but never pain. Relax into the stretch and move deeper as the intensity of the stretch lessens. Stay here for about one minute, then slowly release and shake out your legs.
Thanks for this new thing y’all are doing:)