So many of us sit at our desks for hours each day, poring over paperwork and working at computers. We convince ourselves that our bodies aren’t suffering because we roll out our yoga mats and hit the gym each day, but anyone who sits at a computer for four hours straight understands that the body can get very stiff and uncomfortable—even if we live active lives.
Rather than allowing so many hours to pass without moving, we encourage you to get up and move every hour. Walk to the bathroom. Walk to the water cooler. Take the stairs. Stretch your body!
There are plenty of inconspicuous stretches that you can do right at your desk each day without making a scene and attracting attention from your co-workers. Here are five of our favorite stretches to alleviate the aches, pains and stiffness that you might feel after sitting for long periods of time. Read through each description, and then watch a short one-minute video clip about the pose. We originally filmed these office yoga tips for Kohl’s and Gaiam, and now we are excited to be able to share these desk-side stretches here with you.
Hip Stretch
Sit up tall in your seat, and cross your right ankle over your left thigh. Flex the right foot, and begin to lean forward, bringing your chest toward your shin. Maintain length in your spine, and stop moving forward when your spine begins to round. Breathe deeply through this intense, but very effective hip stretch. After five breaths, repeat this exercise on the opposite side to stretch the left hip.
Side Stretch
Place your right hand on the right edge of your seat for support, and extend your left arm up and over your head toward the right side of the room. Reach actively through your fingertips, and take five deep breaths before practicing on the other side of your body.
Seated Spinal Twist
Inhale deeply, as you place your right hand on the back of the chair and place your left hand on the outside of your right thigh. Exhale as you twist your torso to the right. Press your left hand into your right thigh for leverage while you twist and gaze over your right shoulder. Hold the stretch for a few breaths and repeat on the other side.
Full Body Stretch
Place both hands on the back of your chair, and separate your legs a bit wider than hip width distance. Hinge forward from the waist, and allow your head and neck to fall in between your arms as you sink your chest toward the floor. Take five deep breaths before coming out of the pose.
Forward Fold
Stand with your feet about hip width apart, and fold forward. Grab opposite elbows, or feel free to bring your fingertips to the floor. Relax your head and neck, and allow the weight of your torso to release the tension in your lower back and to stretch the hamstrings. Take five long breaths in this pose, then put a slight bend in your knees and slowly rise to an upright position.