• Welcome!
    Two Fit Moms With the shared goal of staying healthy and fit, Masumi and Laura created Two Fit Moms, a website and movement dedicated to providing guidance and tips on yoga, nutrition, wellness and healthy living.
  • Latest News
    As you know, we love getting our kids involved in our yoga practices, and our kids... Posted on October 13, 2016
    Even though you know that yoga is never about reaching a final destination, it's natural to have... Posted on March 17, 2016
    Hello to our online community! Tonight, we kick off our March yoga challenge on Instagram by posting... Posted on February 29, 2016
  • featured

    Dream Big in March!

    Hello to our online community! Tonight, we kick off our March yoga challenge on Instagram by

    February 29th | by Masumi Goldman


    Pose of the Week: Bakasana

    Time to get our crow on! Here are my top five tips to get your

    June 3rd | by Laura Kasperzak


    Flying Lizard: A Step-By-Step Tutorial

    Have I mentioned lately how much I love arm balancing? Arm balances are what first

    April 27th | by Masumi Goldman


    Move over Cupid: Fallen Angel Tutorial

    With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, you may be looking to channel your inner cupid. 

    February 2nd | by Masumi Goldman



    At any given time, you can open your Instagram app to find a vast collection

    January 22nd | by Masumi Goldman


    Balanced Body, Balanced Mind

    As busy mothers, yoga instructors and business owners, we are on the constant quest to live balanced

    November 7th | by Masumi Goldman


    Day 9: Pincha Mayurasana or Forearmstand

    Welcome to Day 9 of the #YogawithTFM 10-Day Challenge! Today's pose is Pincha Mayurasana or

    October 8th | by Kate Alexander


    Yoga Straps 101

    When I first started practicing yoga, I received all sorts of advice. One great suggestion

    July 27th | by Masumi Goldman

    Over the past year, Laura and I have been very active in the Instagram yoga...

    May 21, 2014 | by 

    Twist, twist, twist! Parsva Bakasana, or Side Crane/Crow, can be a huge challenge...

    April 1, 2014 | by 

    My quest to press into a handstand probably started around eight months ago. "Pressing" is...

    February 27, 2014 | by 

    Baby Bakasana is the world's smallest arm balance. And although it may look pretty simple,...

    February 24, 2014 | by 

    Eka Hasta Bhujasana, or One-Leg-Over-Arm Balance, is another great intro to balancing on your hands....

    February 12, 2014 | by 

    Bakasana, or Crow Pose, is usually the first arm balance you will learn on your...

    February 6, 2014 | by 
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