Twist, twist, twist! Parsva Bakasana, or Side Crane/Crow, can be a huge challenge...
I am extremely passionate about my yoga. What you may not know is that I...
Our journey into backbending continues with Urdhva Dhanurasana or Wheel Pose. As we discussed in...
Health and fitness has always been an integral part of my life. When I found...
Backbends are extremely powerful and energizing poses. They open up the heart, the chest and...
My quest to press into a handstand probably started around eight months ago. "Pressing" is...
Baby Bakasana is the world's smallest arm balance. And although it may look pretty simple,...
Slowly floating the legs down from any inversion can be challenging. It takes time, patience...
It's time to get FUNKY in Pincha Mayurasana! In this variation you are on one...
Baddha Hasta Sirsasana B is probably my favorite headstand variation. "Baddha Hasta" refers to the...