February 27, 2014 | by Laura Kasperzak
Quest for the Press 101: Toe Taps

My quest to press into a handstand probably started around eight months ago. “Pressing” is when you can place your hands onto the ground and float your legs up into a handstand…No kicking required! There is no science to pressing into a handstand, and everyone’s experience is unique. I am going to show you how I learned — hopefully it will help you!

The only prerequisite is that you MUST have a solid Bakasana practice. You can view my tutorial for this particular asana here.

Step 1: Start in Bakasana

Key points to remember in Bakasana…Fingers should be spread wide to help grip the mat. Hands are shoulder width apart. Elbows and knees squeeze in toward the midline.  Upper back rounds to avoid “dumping” into your arms and making the pose feel heavy. Navel pulls in toward your spine to activate the core.

Photo Feb 27, 8 56 45 AM

Step 2: Flex the feet

Flex both feet so your toes point down towards your mat.  Using your core to keep the knees on your arms, slowly start to shift forward slightly as you bring your toes toward your wrists. You may only get an inch or two down before you fall… That’s Okay! Try again!

As you move your feet down, concentrate on rounding the upper back and squeezing your arms in. If your arms begin to open out, try using a strap.  Measure the loop shoulder width in length and place the strap just above your elbows.

Photo Feb 27, 8 56 47 AM

Step 3: The toes have landed!

Eventually, your toes will touch your wrists! Once you get to this point, try to hold them there for as long as possible.  Not only will this build arm strength, but it will build your core strength as well!  You will begin to feel your deep ab muscles engage. These are the ones that will eventually help lift you up.

Photo Feb 27, 8 56 49 AM

Step 4: Lift up!

Once you can hold your toes to your wrists for a few breaths, you can try lifting your bottom up towards the sky and taking the knees off of your arms to hover. To do so, actively push your toes into your wrists and engage your core (Uddiyana Bandha). Press actively into your mat using your fingers for grip. Start out by trying to lift your butt higher! If that goes well, then try to straighten the legs. Proceed slowly and with patience.

Photo Feb 27, 8 56 53 AM

As always… Have FUN and be SAFE!


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  • I just started trying this toe tap for the first time last week. I haven’t found any instructions online at all. Then you graced my Instagram feed with this final challenge! I have successfully landed in crow from bent knee handstand and gone down in Karavandasana thanks to you and Kino as inspiration. Thank you!

  • This is something I have been looking for! I know I want to learn to press up but, other than using the wall as counter pressure I didn’t know what to work on. Thanks:)!

  • Thank you so much for posting this. I have been looking all over for tips of how to even begin to think about pressing up.

  • Laura! This is awesome! Like others, I have been looking for some detailed instructions for wrist taps. Can not wait to try these!

  • Thank you so much for sharing Laura!

  • Oh man this looks so hard! Thanks for the amazingly detailed instructions! I’m gonna give it a try after yoga tonight!

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