June 19, 2015 | by Kate Alexander
Freebie Friday! Gaiam’s Yoga Studio App

Gaiam wants to share the power of yoga with people everywhere — and so do we! In celebration of International Day of Yoga and the summer solstice on June 21, Gaiam will offer its 5-star Yoga Studio App for FREE! So from June 19-21, the $3.99 cost is waived!

YogaStudio-IG-320x320The Gaiam Yoga Studio App includes 65 ready-made classes running from 15 minutes to 30 minutes to 60 minutes in length. The classes target different levels (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and different areas of focus (strength, flexibility, relaxation, balance or combination) — there’s a class for everyone! The app also features a library of over 280 poses with detailed information and instruction.

The classes are clear and easy to follow — and the app allows you to take your studio with you wherever you go — on your iPhone and iPad.

You can download it here or in the App Store.


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